Kitchen Garden Program Testimonials

I am absolutely LOVING this KG program.
Last year our Opportunity Class team and the OC team at Beecroft Public School, caught up with the Head Teachers for Math, English and Science at James Ruse Agricultural High School. Quite a number of our OC students will go to JRAH, so we are keen to make their transition smooth. The Science begged and pleaded: Can you please teach them how to wipe a bench with a cloth? Cook something, even something basic? Light a match? Please!
The KG program is teaching them these skills, whilst covering sustainability curriculum outcomes. These skills are so helpful for them in life, and high school Science (and I presume Food Tech?). So thank you, thank you, thank you.
North Rock PS
Thank you for your absolutely fantastic report of the activities. The photos are brilliant. Thank you so much for sharing. I’m so glad that we were able to provide this opportunity for our students by having Penrith Lakes run such an excellent program and the school is very grateful for the grant that made this possible.
Epping PS
We have been delighted to have Dianne Firth with us each fortnight to continue the Kitchen Garen program at Marist Learning Zone. This is an extremely valuable program for our students. Firstly, it is beneficial for their mental health to engage in outdoor activities, producing their own garden produce which is then used in their cooking. All our students come from disadvantaged backgrounds, many suffer from anxiety and other issues, so this program provides skills and well-being activities which they would not otherwise experience. In addition to this, the program designed by the Penrith Lakes Environmental Education Centre also meets many requirements of the NSW syllabuses, thus contributing to their academic progress. The program encourages working in groups, and this fosters another important social need which our students frequently do not have, as they are not regularly attending their usual school and thus miss out on working with their peers.
Br Lawrie McCane, one of the founding teachers of Marist Learning Zone
An amazing two year journey that was achieved by belief and commitment . Thank you for the phoenix rising from the wild jungle, as it so clearly has in your semester report.
What a fabulous place for students to learn, with the photographs telling the story.
We appreciate your knowledge, skills and time shared with us to reinvigorate and create such a great learning space with engaging resources. This was a lot of hard physical work with no support from a farm assistant for you, the staff and students especially last year during repair and construction, which cannot be glossed over.
We have benefited through the PL while working with you, your sharing of great ideas and resources to carry forward and now share with others. We will keep the dream alive. Rebecca is very excited to be delivering this program as well in 2024.
You are appreciated by everyone, especially those who have worked with you and all the students, as a fabulous part of starting high school. The year seven students are so fortunate to have this opportunity ready for them.
THANK YOU for everything!
Head Teacher TAS Faculty
Teacher Comments:
• Students love it, staff love it, parents love it, and everyone speaks about how they are enjoying it. People from outside the school have commented about how nice the veggie gardens are and enquired about the program. We hired an additional SLSO to support our teacher in running the program this year. .Staff and student wellbeing has improved as a result of this program. Stories just keep on coming.
• A wonderful experience for staff and students! Children very engaged and enthusiastic about their learning and how they can promote this at home.
• I feel that the PBL project that we undertook at school this year helped me as a teacher to gain confidence in planning activities which would help the students to learn about sustainability. The students level of engagement was extraordinary.